Priya Farish
Professional Experience
Partner at On3 Partners Ltd, a consultancy offering deep expertise in Organisational Design and Talent Management to global businesses across multiple sectors
A perceptive and engaging business leader with a strong background in HR internationally, now specialising in Strategic Talent, Organisational Development and Executive Coaching (Individual and Teams)
Extensive experience delivering group interventions for Exco’s wanting to explore group dynamics and impact performance
Highly skilled coach specialising in transitions and career management
15+ years experience in the hospitality sector internationally leading HR teams
Previously Talent and Organisational Development Director, Costa Coffee with responsibility for Talent, Leadership Development, Inclusion and Organisational Effectiveness
Part time HRD for start up businesses, offering nimble and efficient focus during the ’teenager to adult’ phase of business maturity
Masters in Occupational and Organisational Psychology
Masters in Strategic Human Resources
Advanced Practioner Certificate Executive Coaching 2019 – AoEC (ICF Accredited)
MBTI Step 1 and Step 2
Hogan qualified for HPI, HDS and MVPI
Global Organisational Development Certificate Program “Navigating Complex Change and working with Group Dynamics” 2018 – NTL
Major Achievements
Founded own profitable consultancy practice in 2017 which delivered major change interventions for organisations undergoing deep transformations and led to year on year sales growth of 26%
Designed career coaching methodology to support individuals to take the lead in driving their long term career progression in partnership with their organisation
Led various restructures across the globe to support businesses to align talent to future business priorities, optimise efficiency and enable cross functional working
Created various women’s networks to support grass roots causes such as supporting women in politics and combating period poverty
Creator and host of popular podcast series ‘Questions Worth Asking’ which focusses on translating practical wisdom into questions for leaders and change makers
Designed and delivered multiple learning interventions for teams / leaders looking to increase business partnering and coaching capability